We believe that
- Our school is our children’s house and everyone that enters their house is a guest.
- In providing our students with a safe, happy, healthy and nurturing learning environment.
- Parental involvement is essential to the success of the student’s education.
- Intergenerational teaching is important to the students’ holistic education.
- All students, staff and Board must role model the three R’s: Respect, Responsibility, and Reliability.
- Teachers must be committed to providing the highest standards of education and instill the love of learning in all our students.
- All of our students are capable of reaching their fullest potential.
- Our school curriculum must include both provincial academic outcomes and that language, history and culture must be integrated into the curriculum.
- We are preparing our children to be successful in both worlds.
- Our children are our most precious natural resource.
- We have the responsibility to shape the future leaders of our community.
- All stakeholders must work in harmony with one another; parents, extended family, elders, traditional teachers, school staff, the Board, Chief and Council, Band Administration, external agencies and resources.
- All staff and Board need to be committed to their own healing journey.
- Secwepemc language, history and culture defines who we are.