Skelep School of Excellence
- Is a K-7 Elementary School located on the Tk’emlups te Secwepemc Reserve.
- Was officially opened on September 19, 2003
- Is recognized and certified as a First Nations School and a member of the First Nations School Association (FNSA) as well as an Independent School and a member of the Federation of Independent Schools Association (FISA)
- Receives funding from the Ministry of Education, Indigenous Services Canada and First Nations Education Steering Committee
- Teachers are certified and hold valid BC Teachers Regulation Branch Certificates
- Support staff includes qualified Education Assistants and Speech-Language Assistant
- Student enrolment and class sizes are kept smaller to maximize student learning
- Enrolment is open to any K-7 student, priority is given to Tk’emlups te Secwepemc students
- 95% of the students at Sk’elep are of First Nations Ancestry
- BC’s Redesigned Curriculum and First Nations Principles of Learning are the foundations of student learning
- Secwepemc Language and Culture is taught to students at all grade levels
- ReadWell, Reading Mastery and Saxon Math form the basis of our literacy and numeracy programs
- Learning Assistance and Speech-Language support is available to meet student needs
- Bus transportation may be available to and from school from the Tk’emlups te Secwepemc Reserve, North Shore and Sahali areas
- Breakfast and lunch are provided to all students
- Community and Family involvement are valued and encouraged.